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We offer a comprehensive service of boning and slicing services for different manufacturers and customers of their own pieces in Industrias Cárnicas Peñafría S.L.
Thanks to our automated line of boning, we are adapted to all possible needs. We make perfect blocks of ham and shoulder for a very high quality slicing process later. Due to our pressing and moulding systems, blocks with rounded edges guarantee an extraordinary presentation of the slices without any break in them, which strikes the consumer.

We also carry out the boneless process for ham and shoulder centres. All this is packaged in its final phase with the best vacuum and thermoformed machines in a high-quality film.
We proceed then to process the pieces, slicing and packaging them in a variety of formats and presentations after boning and molding them in our slicing center, System Lonch.

System Lonch S.L. is a company, founded in 2004, dedicated to give slicing service to manufacturers. Cooked and cured products, dairy, etc are sliced daily into different shapes and sizes in our facilities. We have the most modern technologies in constant and updated renewal to offer our customers the latest novelties and presentations of the market.
For all these reasons, we can offer you a comprehensive, worry-free service. With the maximum professionalism of our staff, your articles will be treated with the highest standards of hygiene, maintaining at all times the traceability of pieces, and informing all yields of the different processes.

For more information, do not hesitate to consult us. We are at your disposal.